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Hair type: Brown

Ethinicity: Australian

Cock Type: Cut

Set Type: Pictures

Other content: Troy



Pictures: 161 | Added: 03-23-2009

Say the name "Troy" and what immediately comes to mind?

You got it!

The siege of Troy!

Of course, the real siege of Troy - Helen, Paris, Hector, Achilles, Brad Pitt and all the rest of those Greek dudes - lasted ten years...

But, to be honest, there really wasn't, in the case of this particular HMBoy Troy, much of a siege at all.

All we had to do was to produce our secret weapon - the HMBoys camera - and he was ready to surrender without putting up any sort of fight at all.

Of course, what do you do with any prisoner of war?

You strip him and carry out a really detailed inspection.... (Gotta make sure that any weapon he's carrying - and our boy Troy was certainly carrying quite a substantial one - can't be concealed.)

You take plenty of photographs... (Gotta have good ID in case the prisoner tries to make a run for it.)

And you get him to produce a plentiful sample of his most personal DNA... (Ditto.)

A ten years siege?  In this boy's case it was nearer ten minutes.  He just seemed to have given up the will to resist.

To tell you the truth, though, our photographer told us that sometimes he gets just a little disappointed when things go quite so easily...

"I like it when the enemy puts up a bit of resistance", he tells us. 

"There was another boy last week...  Looked like he wasn't gonna surrender at all. 

"But then he got one look at my big red battering ram and within seconds he was down on his kness in front of me...

"Just... er...", he rushed to explain, "begging for mercy, of course!"



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