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Hair type: Brown

Ethinicity: Australian

Cock Type: Cut

Set Type: Pictures

Other content: Corey



Pictures: 180 | Added: 09-01-2008

Quite unexpectedly, given the metal studs that he wears through his chin and his belly button and his generally punk appearance, Corey is a pretty staid kind of boy.

In fact, there's nothing he likes better than spending a day out watching birds... 

And that's not in the cockney sense of the word, meaning "girls" (though Corey's parents did emigrate from Britain to Australia in the 1970s), but the real thing - the sort with wings that cheeps.

In fact, Corey tells us that he's less likely to go clubbing at weekends than heading out with his binoculars in the hope of spotting a Purple-Crowned Lorikeet, a Southern Boobook, a Spotted Pardelote or maybe, if he's really lucky, a pair of Willie Wagtails.

Living in Adelaide, South Australia, Corey says that he's lucky to be just 50 miles west of the small town of Mannum, from where it's just another 10 miles or so to Lenger Reserve where his HMBoys pictures were taken.

"I passed my driving test as soon as I reached 16", he tells us, "and my folks gave me an old car.

"Almost every Friday night in the two years since then, I've packed a tent and some food into the trunk and headed out to the nature reserve.  And usually, by the time I get home on Sunday night, I've checked a few more species off my list."        

Our photographer was pretty pleased with Corey's suggested location, too.

It seems that there's a lot of variety of scenery and possible locations in the Lenger Reserve.  A creek runs right through it, so there's plenty of running water on hand to give pictures a bit of extra sparkle.  There's plenty of colourful vegetation.  And there are lots of hidden nooks and crannies where his hot boy models can cool off and get that important all-over tan.

In fact, it turns out that the only thing our guy didn't like about the place was the thing that most attracted Corey in the first place - the wildlife.

"Too many creepie-crawlies and bugs for me", our snapper reported. 

"At one point we'd settled down to take some pictures by a fresh water spring - only to make a quick retreat when a couple of snakes (according to Corey, a Tiger and a King Brown) arrived to cool off.

"Luckily, though, it didn't matter too much asw I'd already managed to grab a few good shots of the highly venomous snake that Corey keeps hidden inside his pants."   

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