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Mark / Slava

Hair type: Brown / Blond

Ethinicity: Western European / Western European

Cock Type: Uncut / Uncut

Set Type: Pictures

Other content: Mark, Mark & Sasha, Slava, Slava



Pictures: 182 | Added: 09-16-2002



Memo from the webmaster

Well, you've had a couple of weeks now to get used to the big changes we've made to the site - and we know from the Hotwires you've been sending to Tyler that they've gone down really well.

We like to think that's it's the best looking site of its type on the web right now.

And it's certainly a comprehensive one.

You can look at photographs of some of the hottest boys on the planet…

In April - April 8 to be precise - we featured pictures of one of the very best looking boys to come our way for quite some time.


And among the guys who e-mailed their appreciation back to us was another kid called Slava.

Actually, he wasn't just another kid - he was also one of our models. Take a look: he was featured on the site on 24 June when he told us about a rather painful experience he'd had with a guy he picked up via his PC.

Well, to cut a long story short we forwarded Slava's letter of admiration and appreciation - and a few of his hottest pictures - to Mark's home address.

And it seemed like we'd hardly got back from putting the mail in the mailbox when Mark called to tell us that he'd contacted Slava and that the two of them had hooked up.

Not only that, but they were getting on real well.

Real well, if you take my meaning.

And they wanted to thank us here at for acting as Cupid.

Would we like a bottle of wine?

A box of chocolates?

Their best wishes?

We pushed our luck.

Could we, we asked ever so politely, possibly send our photographer - the poor guy who has to have just about the worst job in the whole wide world! :) - to record their new togetherness for posterity (and, in passing, for 13,000 drooling members too)?

And so that's how this particular set of pictures came about.

We're rather proud of them.

And, come to that, of ourselves too.

This week, I think we can fairly say, we've brought even more joy into the world than we usually do.

And it couldn't happen to a couple of nicer boys…


…watch some of them on video…

…read about them - and other boys too…

…and even tell us what you think about them.

But, we admit it, there's one thing we haven't done (well, not yet, anyway!)

We haven't set up a dating service.

Or perhaps that's not quite true?

Let me explain…

Check out some samples from this gallery: