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Hair type: Blond

Ethinicity: Eastern European

Cock Type: Uncut

Set Type: Pictures

Other content: Yura & Sasha, Yura



Pictures: 174 | Added: 07-14-2003

Caligula's Roman Resort
"Our boys never decline and fall"


13 July 2003


Dear Sam

How can I ever thank you?

You have single-handedly turned a potential disaster into a triumph!

I have to admit that, after last week's fiasco, I was feeling less than positive - to say the least - about my chances of pleasing the very important client (I can't tell you his name but let's just say it's more than likely that you've got a few of his best selling CDs in your collection!) who we're expecting here in the next few days.

After all, he'd been quite specific.

He wants big.

He wants strength.

He wants muscle and sweat.

He wants to be ravished by a gladiator.

Taken, humbled - humiliated, even - and made to beg for mercy (which, of course, will never actually be given until he uses the specially agreed code word to indicate that yes, really, he has had enough for the time being!)

So he actually wants something that, as you know, until just a few days ago we didn't have.

And then, following the debacle of Loren (who's doing a fine job on those sponges, by the way), you came to our rescue.

You sent us Yura.

As soon as I set eyes on the boy I knew he was going to fit into our set-up here perfectly.

Big, beefy, bull-necked - and exuding the sheer dominance and arrogance that I know that a certain type of our clientele is looking for.


And they're willing to pay well - very well - to get it too.

After I'd caught my first glimpse of Yura it was almost enough. It hardly seemed necessary to give him more than the most casual once-over.

But I didn't want to make the same mistake I'd made with Loren.

I needed to be certain that, in spite of all appearances to the contrary, Yura would be able to obey instructions meekly when appropriate and cater willingly to his clients' every need.

Sure enough, he could certainly act seductive (just look at the expression in those eyes)…

He could be submissively enticing, if required…

And, quite unlike Loren, he certainly didn't act coy when he got out of those shorts…

In fact, as far as I could see, Yura was and is completely what Caligula's needs.

His body's more than usually flexible, supple and agile in bed…

Appropriately enough for a gladiator, he's always standing at attention and holding his fully-primed and loaded weapon at the ready for immediate action…

But, for those with a taste for such things, he's also got a tender side too.

One that not only craves affection but even deeper emotions too…

All in all, then, Sam, I can't express my gratitude to you sufficiently.

Thanks once more for sending us Yura - a new recruit who's already shown the potential to rise dramatically (and not only through the ranks!)



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